I am a Voter

Your Voter Engagement Guide

At Trinity University, we vote. It’s part of who we are. To help you along the voting process, we have prepare this guide, which covers: 

  • Registering to vote
  • Checking your registration status
  • Researching your ballot and candidates
  • Helping others vote.   
photo of students at the Mid-term election vote drive

Register to Vote

Register with TurboVote

Trinity’s Student Government Association has paired with TurboVote to make voting a piece of cake for the Trinity community. TurboVote helps:

  • Guide you through the voter registration process
  • Understand and complete the absentee or vote-by-mail ballot request process
  • Keep you up-to-date on upcoming elections with text and email reminders
  • Support you throughout the voting process!

Register via TurboVote


Special Registration Considerations

As you go through the registration process, you will want to think about where to register and whether you are eligible to register. 


  Determine Where to Register

The choice on where to register to vote is entirely yours. Since you spend most of the year in San Antonio as a Trinity student, you might consider registering to vote in Bexar County. That way, you will be able to participate in local elections. Read through this guide for more insight into where to register to vote. 

  Read Through State Registration Rules

Each state has its own rules for voter registration eligibility. Be sure to read through your state’s registration rules before getting started.


Check Your Registration Status

Not sure if you’re still registered to vote? It is always a good idea to double check that your registration is still valid. 

Check Your Status

two students with voting swag outside of coates library

Research Your Ballot

Before you head out to the polling booth, it is vital to research who and what will be on the ballot. Consider taking a slip of paper or printed sample ballot and writing down the names of the candidates and propositions you want to vote for or against.


Voter Guides

Voter guides allow you to understand propositions you will vote for and compare candidates side by side on issues that matter to you. Examples include:


Candidate Websites

Often, candidates have their own websites that directly present their platforms and stances on major political issues. Check them out!


Incumbent Voting Record

If a candidate is an incumbent to the House of Representatives or the Senate, take a look at their voting records.


Fact Check Candidates

The Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania runs FactCheck.org, which allows you to verify the accuracy of statements and claims that candidates make.

Go Vote!

Once you have registered to vote or verified your registration status and selected your candidates, it is time to cast your ballot!

Early Voting

Polling locations on election day can sometimes be very hectic, and lines can be very long. Consider participating in the early voting period beforehand to avoid the hassle.

What to Bring

Some states require voters to present certain types of personal IDs. Check out your state’s voting rules before heading over to make sure you have everything you need.

Absentee Voting and Voting by Mail

Rules regarding absentee and mail voting vary by state. Check out your state’s voting rules to see if you are eligible to vote absentee, or if you have to vote in-person.

photo of a student holding a roll of stickers at an Election Vote Drive

Help Others Vote

Volunteer as a Poll Worker

There are serious shortages of poll workers across the US, especially because of COVID-19. One of the most powerful political actions you can take is to work the polls during early voting and on election day!

To get started, check out the list of paid election official positions in Bexar County.

Register Others to Vote

You can become a Volunteer Deputy Voter Registrar by completing special training. Then, you’ll be able to register your friends and classmates to vote.

Photo of students talking at a table at a Voter Registration event

Voting Reports and News

National Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement (NSLVE) Reports

Read through these NSLVE reports for key data on student voter participation rates at Trinity University.

Note: These reports are only accessible to viewers with Trinity log-in credentials. Other viewers are invited to email getinvolved@shadleysoapstone.com to request a copy.


News Stories

Trinity awarded Voter Friendly Campus 2023-2024

Trinity was named a Voter Friendly Campus, one of 258 campuses in 38 states and the District of Columbia by Fair Elections Center’s Campus Vote Project and NASPA – Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education.


Trinity earned an ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge Gold Seal for nonpartisan student voter participation efforts in the 2020 Election.